Crusader Kings 2 Aztec

The Aztecs, as they are popularly known, are an agglomeration of ethnic groups that formed the largest empire in Mesoamerica, known as Ēxcān Tlahtōlōyān, or Triple Alliance, at its core consisting of the allied city-states of Texcoco, Tlacopan, and Mexico-Tenochtitlan, and centered on the latter. The city of Tenochtitlan, de facto capital city of the Empire and one of the world's largest cities over the course of its history, was a finely planned metropolis built over Mexicoh Island, on the once great lake Texcoco, the place of today's Mexico City. The empire spanned the entire Mexican Central Plateau, also known as the Mexican High Plain, and even today the extent of their influence can still be felt in the entire region, permeating many aspects of modern culture, specially in central Mexico.In-game, they are the equivalent of the Mongols to Western Europe, arriving in the 1350's with a large fleet and a massive army to conquer the known world. With it comes diseases, conversions and conquest of the Western World. As a Catholic/Muslim, you must take out these invaders, no matter what the cost. They can be encountered if patch 1.09 is installed and the Sunset Invasion expansion is installed.In the 'The Old Gods' DLC, it is revealed that the Aztecs gained their knowledge of shipbuilding after a chance encounter with famed Icelandic explorer Thorfinn Karlsefni ended in most of the Vikings being slaughtered and the Aztecs taking their longboats back to Cemanahuac.

Contents Really, a Threat from the West? Across the Ocean?To encounter them, first, you must choose a kingdom with access to the Atlantic Ocean which are of the following as of 1337:. Kingdom of England/Wales/Ireland. Kingdom of Scotland. Kingdom of Norway/Sweden/Denmark. Kingdom of France.

A sequel, Crusader Kings II, was released on February 14th 2012, and a demo has also been released. Amongst other gameplay changes, the sequel introduces character ambitions, an expanded plotting and intrigue mechanic, a revamp of the holy order and mercenary system and the sub-division of provinces into baronies, bishoprics and cities, all ruled by vassals.

Kingdom of Portugal/Galicia. Kingdom of Navarra. Kingdom of Castille & Leon. Marinid Sultanate of MauretaniaIn the 1340's after the game begun for at least 3 years, a warning will be given to the player, whichever nation he/she rules, about a menace from the West, with a great emperor of the Aztecs with a threat of an invasion. However, a more direct warning will be given to the player if he/she is a ruler of the kingdoms said above.

Crusader Kings 2 Console Commands

Then after 10 years or so there will be another warning about the Aztecs, which is more real than ever.Wait, They're not Kidding here.The Aztecs have come, and with a massive army because Europe rejected them of land. First, a message will appear to the player about a massive fleet approaching and armies never seen in the world with demonic gods and the people cowering in fear. Then the official announcement of the invasion of the player's kingdom follows.Then, you can see the full extent of the might of the Aztec army: 1000 ships alone in a mighty fleet, 80000 to 120000 men combined into 4-6 different armies with 20000 men each, all infantry and archers with no cavalry whatsoever. Any county that the Aztecs land into instantly convert to their culture and religion: being Nahua and Aztec respectively.Usually, the nation invaded by this scourge will fall rather quickly because of the lack of troops to fight the Aztecs, and their title taken from them, becoming dukes instead of kings. Much like the Mongols, the counties taken will become the Aztec emperor's direct holding in the Old World, with a twist.When they take over a county, any courtiers/leaders is subject to be sacrificed by the Aztecs to please their gods.

This situation can put the player to a difficult situation if a family member is taken to be sacrificed to the Aztec gods.However, that is not all. The player will receive a second message of another Aztec invasion in a different kingdom with, usually a smaller army but still eminently massive enough to conquer whichever kingdom quickly and without mercy, and as usual, courtiers will be taken and sacrificed, and the county which they land in instantly converts to their culture and religion.How do the rest of us fight them?Here's a usual scenario of what happens when the Aztecs arrive: Portugal usually became the first nation conquered and the Marinids second. After that, they will expand to the rest of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, with it comes down the Kingdoms of Castille and Leon, the Nasrid Emirate of Granada, and the Kingdom of Aragon and Navarra, while in north Africa, the Zayanid Emirate of Alger comes down second with the Hafsids of Africa falling next.However, after the conquest of said nations, their armies will run out of steam and have to rely on standard levies and retinues after they arrive to French Aquitaine and Bahri Egypt. With the conquered subjects, there are usually many rebellions from both Catholic and Sunni vassals, and this is where the players, who are not invaded yet can use their advantage on the Aztecs.Based on the said scenario and with the rebelling vassals, 3-4 nations can act against this new scourge being: the Bahri Sultanate of Egypt, the Sultanate of Mali, the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France; or if France/Norway held Iceland is attacked first, then Sweden and the Holy Roman Empire can act against them. These are the reasons why:. The Bahris, being the most powerful Sunni Muslim state, and the possible target next, can raise up to 120000 troops from levies and some 30000 troops from retinues if possible, but they have an ace card: the Mamluks.

Crusader Kings 2 Reformed Aztec

The Mamluks, loyal guards to the Sultan, is a raisable mercenary that is a vassal of Egypt, similar to the Ghilmans of the Seljuks and the Varangians of the Byzantines.

Crusader Kings 2 Remove Aztec

Updated to 3.0.1!Ever been frustrated about aztec dynasties having the default pagan dynasty shields?With the little immersion Sunset Invasion offers it always disturbed me that the aztecs never got their own graphics for shields even with Paradox going trough the trouble of making them their own 3D models. It seemed odd and well, lazy (like the whole DLC. As if Paradox just somehow got bored of doing it and released it like that?)Anyway, as nobody ever did anything about it I decided to take the matter to my own hands and made a little mod to correct this detail. I wasn't going to publish it at first but then thought that if somebody is struggling with same kind of thoughts, I might as well help them out. Aztecs are not a popular theme, I know, but here it is.TL;DR:A mod that gives Aztec dynasties a custom sheld type.

The Aztecs are way cooler now.and YES it is IRONMAN compatible as far as anyone is concerned.