To get the power armor training,you need to gain access to the citadel,the HQ of theBrotherhood Of Steeel,which you get by finishing the waters of life main quesr,upongaining access to the citadel talk to elder lyons(the old dude) and ask about power armortraining,he'll redirect you to paladin gunny in the barracks,go to gunny and ask aboutpower armor training,after the conversation you can now wear power armor,its helpful ifyou have a spare set of any power armo available so you can get the protection benefitsearlythis will help,trust me Posted: nov 28, 2008 1:23 pm.
Hidden Valley Bunker - The Brotherhood of Steel, Mojave Chapter - Fallout New Vegas Lore. Join Brotherhood of Steel ( was an advertising mini-website created by Interplay Entertainment for advertising the upcoming Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel game. The site featured Fallout Tactics promotional art as well as Brotherhood recruitment slogans.
Apr 29, 2019 Dao meo#daomeodulichsonla#dulichsonla. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Hu meo bng dao restaurant.