Hello guys - tkanks for replyI should add some info more precisely to clarify.I want use Excel to pull some data from this site from 1st post (www.olx.pl - its something like ebay market place, to compare quantity of listed items day-by-day to keep track of items which I'm looking for) At next step I wanted extract pulled data using Excels functions but I hit wall at 1st step - pulling data (quering web). I used Excel's Data - From Web and in opened 'New Web Query' window I pasted url. Minecraft. At this moment I must say that at this moment FF is opened don't play any role - because Excel's functionality allow pulling / querying data from web even if you DON'T have any FF/Chrome/Safari computer.(so I think it was little confusing for you Jan F.:) So from begining - we can run Excel's web query when ALL browsers are closed.ha14's 1st post is going in good direction but don't touch real problem. It solves FF's acting issue and show how to change as what FF is recognized by web servers side. The main and top question is how and where can we change this behaviour for Excel to be recognized as lets say IE11 or FF33 etc?? I think that this posr clarified more deeply the main problem:) Its not in FF configuration, its in Excel's config problem and we should find option like FF's 'about:config' but in Excel. Where it is buried?

I didn't quite follow all the different angles of your question so I will answer them separated.If you try to load web data using Excel and it gives you an error please state that error.If your browsers close when loading a certain website, try visiting a different one. If it happens with all websites check your browsers' plug-ins and add-ons. You might also want to scan your computer for malware or other infections.If a website is telling you that your browser is outdated while it really isn't there are two options:1.

Just keep in mind though things like Firefox Bookmarks, Outlook PST files and some other config files are in the Application Data/Local settings (XP) and the AppData Folder (Vista and up) So just make sure you have everything. But if the user is delete already then it is safe to delete.

Do I Need Old Firefox Data Folder

Do i need old firefox data

Do I Need To Keep Old Firefox Data

The website simply didn't recognize your browser correctly (which can happen)2. The website is trying to have you download some 'installation' file containing adware or malware.