Rimworld Where To Get Cloth
  1. Rimworld Best Clothing
  2. Rimworld Where To Get Cloth Made
  3. Rimworld Where To Get Clothing

Rimworld Best Clothing


Rimworld Where To Get Cloth Made


Cotton is easy to grow, kinda crappy though, all clothes out of it are usually the cheapest, least protective and least durable.Hunting animals and butchering them gets you leathers, but since you can't combine multiple leather types in one clothing item your storage ends up full of scraps you can't use.Domesticated muffalos and alpacas are shaved regularly and get you wool, clothing made from it has amazing cold/heat insulation stats.Devilstrand takes forever to grow, but clothing out of it is super expensive and can work as armor because of high damage resists.

Rimworld Where To Get Clothing

This question has been killing me. I haven't seen them on traders too. No one dies in this colony. I leave them in that moment, making clothes and planting seeds, in the sunlight, forever.